

「たえまなく揺れるゆりかごから」は、ホワイトマン(Walt Whitman, 1819–1892)の詩。おそるべき比喩。


  • 四つの物語

    • 現代のゆりかご (A.D. 1914)・・・社会の不寛容のために、青年が無実の罪で死刑宣告を受ける
    • ユダヤのゆりかご (A.D. 27)・・・不寛容なファリサイ派のためにキリストが受難を受ける。
    • フランスのゆりかご (A.D. 1572)・・・ユグノーを認めまいとするところから起こったサン・バルテルミの虐殺
    • バビロンのゆりかご (539 B.C.)・・・ベル教神官がイシュタル信仰興隆をみて裏切り、バビロンがペルシャに滅ぼされる
  • 作品構成についての別観点・・・a prologue, two acts and a short epilogue, is described by title cards(filmsiteによる)。つまり、バビロンはエピローグだと。
  • ウィキペディア日本語版は、「言うまでもなく」としてリリアン・ギッシュはマリアの象徴だとしているが、べつにそういう象徴である必然性はないと思う。
  • 作品分析 http://www.cineclubdecaen.com/realisat/griffith/intolerance.htm
  • IVC BEST SELECTION版では、あまたの文献で言及される、場面ごとの色分けがわからないのだが、上映時にフィルターでもかぶせるのだろうか。
  • トラック1(=1/16)書き取り
    The dream of lives, hearts, glories ----- once bright with life, that now are dust.
    Our play is made up of four separate stories, laid in different periods of history, each with its own set of characters. Each story shoes how hatred and intolerance, through all the ages, have battled against love and charity. Therefore, you will find our play turning from one of the four stories to another, as the common theme unfolds in each. "Out of the cradle endlessly rocking." Today as yesterday, endlessly rocking, ever bringing the same human passions, the same joys and sorrows.


    Seeing youth drawn to youth, Miss Jenkins realizes the bitter fact that she is no longer a part of the younger world.
    The girl of our story keeps house for her father who works in a Jenkins mill. With a wage of $2.75 a day, a little garden, four hens, ditto geese, and a fair measure of happiness and contentment.
    "the little Dear One"
    The Boy, unacquainted with the little Dear One, is employed with his father in the same mill.
    Age intolerant of youth and laughter. 'The vestal virgins of Uplift' succeed in reaching Miss Jenkins in their search for funds. "We must have laws to make people good." "There is dancing in cafes."

    Comes now from out the cradle of yesterday, the story of an ancient people, whose lives, though far away from ours, run parallel in their hopes and perplexities.
    Ancient Jerusalem, the golden city whose people have given us many of our highest ideals, and from the carpenter shop of Bethlehem, sent us the Man of Men, the greatest enemy of intolerance.
    Near the Jaffa gate.
    The house in Cana of Galilee.
    Certain hypocrites among the Pharisees. [Pharisee - a learned Jewish party, the name possibly brought into disrepute later by hypocrites among them.]
    When these Pharisees pray they demand that all action cease.
    "Oh Lord, I thank thee that I am better than other men." "Amen."

    Another period of the past. A.D. 1572 - Paris, a hotbed of intolerance, in the time of Catherine de Medici, and her son Charles IX, King of France.
    Charles IX (Frank Bennett) receives his younger brother, Monsieur La France, Duc d'Anjou. The heir to the throne is the effeminate, foppish Monsieur La France. Pets and toys his pastimes.
    Catherine de Medici, queen-mother who covers her political intolerance of the Huguenots beneath the cloak of the great Catholic Religion. [NOTE: Huguenots - the Protestant party of this period.] The great Protestant leader is white-haired Admiral Coligny, head of the minority Huguenot party.
    "What a wonderful man, the Admiral Coligny, if he only thought as we do." "What a wonderful king, if he only thought as we do."
    The King's favor to Coligny increases the hatred of the opposite party.
    Celebrating the betrothal of Marguerite of Valois, sister of the King, to Henry of Navarre, royal Huguenot, to insure peace in the place of intolerance.
    Marguerite of Valois, Henry of Navarre.
    Brown Eyes, her family of the Huguenot Party, and her sweetheart, Prosper Latour.
    Brown Eyes attracts the attention of a mercenary soldier.
    王妃カトリーヌ・ド・メディチは、自身のユグノー派に政治的不寛容の隠れ蓑に、偉大なカトリック信仰を利用している。(注:ユグノー派とは当時のプロテスタント派) 弱勢たるユグノー派の最高指導者コリニー提督。

    Returning to our story of today, we find the embittered Miss Jenkins aligning herself with the modern Pharisees and agreeing to help the Uplifters.

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