- Dissertation Express http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb
- Alonso Minutti, Resonances of sound, text, and image in the music of Mario Lavista Univ. of California Institute for MEXUS, Ph.D 2008. http://ucmexus.ucr.edu/spotlight/minutti.html
- Circuits of exchange: The myth of interactivity in video art
by Falkenberg, Merrill Brooke Ph.D., Stanford University, 2002, 244
pages; AAT 3048520
- Strategies of dissociation: Negotiating cultural memory in late
20th-century German and Austrian experimental film and video
by Schmid, Christina Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2005, 226 pages;
AAT 3172841
- "Video lets me see what I mean": The social world of video artists
by Richardson, Donald Robert Ph.D., McMaster University (Canada),
1991, 503 pages; AAT NN71263
- Characteristics of multisensory visual art works of selected
contemporary artists
by Jones, George Bobby Ph.D., New York University, 1989, 259 pages; AAT 9004293
- "That crack in the concrete": Hip-hop, politics and the archive in
Black urban video culture, 1989--2004
by Gilliam, Tanji Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2009, 272 pages; AAT 3362021
- Ceci n'est pas TV: A video artist's retrospective of Rene Magritte
by Johnson, Nancy-Jo D.A., State University of New York at Albany,
1994, 179 pages; AAT 9519565
- Alonso Minutti, Resonances of sound, text, and image in the music of Mario Lavista Univ. of California Institute for MEXUS, Ph.D 2008. http://ucmexus.ucr.edu/spotlight/minutti.html
- 久しぶりに物欲 Incase Nylon Compact Backpack http://store.apple.com/jp/product/H0562PA/A?fnode=MTY1NDA2Ng
- 日本映像学会西部支部 http://www5.atpages.jp/~jasiaswest/
- 西部地区5大学連携 平成22年度 単位互換科目・共同開講授業科目一覧 http://www.kyushu-u.ac.jp/5daigaku_renkei/list2010.html
- 三育フーズ 「穀菜食とその盲点」 http://www.san-iku.co.jp/kudo/kokusaisyoku&mouten1.html
- 五葷 http://harmony-garden.ocnk.net/page/5
- 児童虐待の発生件数と発見件数に関する議論
→ 内田良「児童虐待の発生件数をめぐるパラドクス」 PDF
→ 続・反社会学講座 http://mazzan.at.infoseek.co.jp/lesson24.html
- お気に入りレシピ
- ホタルイカのパスタ erecipe
- グルテン http://www.kasoken.com/
- テンペのおいしい食べ方 http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/
- 豆腐チーズ http://allabout.co.jp/
- アルツハイマーのタンパク質 http://kenkou.yasuiyakuhin.com/350/355/
ノート 2010年4月下旬
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